frequently asked questions

what is a cataract?
A cataract is when the lens of the eye becomes cloudy. This is usually a gradual process that occurs over time. The treatment for early cataracts is glasses, but eventually, glasses are no longer enough to allow you to see well. At this stage, most people have an assessment for cataract surgery.

why do I need glasses?
Because your eyes are long or short-sighted.
Short-sightedness is when you can see up close without glasses.
Long-sightedness is when you can often see clearly in the distance, but cannot see up close without glasses.

what is glaucoma?
A disease of the optic nerve, the nerve at the back of the eye that collects information from what you see and sends that information to your brain, creating sight. If the nerve becomes diseased, it can eventually take away your sight.

what is lens exchange?
This is like having cataract surgery, but before the onset of cataract.
It is a common treatment for reducing spectacle-wear.

what is astigmatism?
If your eyes are shaped like a perfect sphere, you do not have astigmatism. If the curve of the eye is not the same all the way around (more like a rugby ball), then you may have astigmatism.
This is usually corrected with glasses, contact lenses, or lens replacement.

why do I need reading glasses?
The ability of our natural lens to change shape and therefore, magnify, reduces with age.
We then need help to magnify, which is what reading glasses are!